2024 PHM Elementary Spell Bowl Results
Posted on March 20, 2024Tuesday, March 19 was P-H-M’s annual Elementary Spell Bowl event. Student 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teams from all 11 elementary schools compete. Click here to see the photo gallery below.
Below is this year’s “leaderboard”:
3rd Grade Winners:
- 1st place- Northpoint with 29 points, coached by Nichol Monday
- 2nd place- Prairie Vista with 27 points
- 3rd place tie – Bittersweet, Horizon and Mary Frank each with 22 points
4th Grade Winners:
- 1st place- Northpoint with 30 points, coached by Jen Payne
- 2nd place- Bittersweet with 29 points
- 3rd place- Prairie Vista with 27 points
The 5th grade competition was very close with Northpoint and Bittersweet neck and neck. The tiebreaker words were: panache, soup du jour, fluorescence, pharmaceutical and Albuquerque.
5th Grade Winners:
- 1st place- Northpoint with 38 points, coached by Ros Morehouse
- 2nd place- Bittersweet with 37 points
- 3rd place tie – Prairie Vista and Horizon each with 26 points
Overall Bittersweet did so well that when the 5th grade team came out on stage to be recognized, the other students and parents cheered, clapped, and gave them a rousing round of congratulations!
The teams spend weeks preparing for Spell Bowl with their teacher coaches. They may study word lists, learn about derivations (e.g., Latin roots) and rules (e.g., capitalization, pluralization), and how to spell correctly under pressure.
The format of the Spell Bowl is more like a written test. The emcee reads a word and uses the word in a sentence, the students listen and then write it on paper within a 15-second time limit. The students’ written entries are reviewed by a panel of judges and then their score is posted in front of the audience. Each correct word spelling is worth one point.
The annual event is held in Penn High School’s Center for Performing Arts to not only accommodate all the student teams, but also the students’ “fans,” which are their family, friends and other staff from their home schools!
Mrs. Cassie Scarsella, P-H-M’s High Ability Coordinator, manages the Spell Bowl and works to assure that it is a positive and enriching experience for students. Academic competition can give students confidence, increase their motivation to sharpen their skills and abilities, and expand their opportunities to receive recognition.
Last Modified March 22, 2024